
news & views

Beverly Hills bookseller feuding with Postoffice censors over LYSISTRATA, classic comedy of Greek women who try to end war by chastity vows. Recalls LA cop years back who raided performance of play repeatedly, ignoring court injunction, ending in pokey himself. When actors were cleared the zealous enforcer of morality vowed to arrest author. But Mr. Aristophanes had died 2410 years earlier.

Press notices on CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF sound interesting, though often snide. Rumors of censorship. Minor theme in play: wife accuses husband of abnormality. Some New York ONE reader should send a review.

Note the Met's recent US premiere Richard Strauss' ARABELLA dealing comicly with tangled loves of girl raised as boy.

TEA & SYMPATHY film version (MGM) snagged by censorship with Code & Legion of Decency. Legion miffed by liberalizing of film morals.

LA County Medical Assn. nixed TV's Medic on projected show on homosexuality.

Odd that Alastair Sims, appearing in film BELLES OF ST. TRINIANS as school marm, doesn't get censored. Anyone know if CHARLIE'S AUNT was ever labelled immoral? .


Supreme Court refused review of decision limiting Postmaster's power to ban mail of firms whose material he considers obscene.

Orchids to ex-Senator Cain, formerly McCarthyist, who like Chief Justice Warren et al, decided infringements of civil liberties have gone much too far.

Proposed new Obscene Publications Bill in preparation in England appears fair and workable substitute for present confused legal status. Degree of censorship involved remains to be seen.

Study of relationship of psychiatry to modern legal problems underway at U of Penna Law School.

Article in recent AMA recent AMA Journal by UCLA's Frederick Worden and James Marsh on study of men who want to change


by dal mcintire

Tests at Harvard indicate only those "psychologically predisposed" react to dope or are in danger of addiction . . . fact which should lessen public hysteria but probably


Illinois Sociologist, studying Airforce vets, found that over a third of 119 men in high-status positions were severely psychoneurotic. "Some mentally ill persons make the grade because somehow they are able to integrate their deviant personalities. with their occupations." This is new?

San Francisco's Dr. Karl Bowman at Atlantic City deplored society's tendency to make outcasts of homosexuals.


LA Sheriff was recently advised County jail inmates awaiting sentence could not be put to work at housekeeping duties-except voluntarily. But how voluntary is voluntary?

County Grand Jury attacked disgraceful handling of juveniles under deplorable conditions in County jail.

Vice Squad and City Prosecutor pressure on to close HOLLER INN, southland bar "permitting some male employees to wear woman's attire; permitting some patrons and employees to sing lewd and immoral songs," etc.

Santa Monica, Calif., particularly certain beach taverns, hit by raids in wake of election of "reform" candidates to City Council. Three new Councilmen were loud in criticism of offshore drilling, bingo and homosexuality. Police Chief, whom they lambasted for laxity, resigned after declaring Santa Monica's ordinance against business places catering to "known sex perverts" unconstitutional, therefore unenforceable.

Readers feeling this column leans too much on Southern Calif. news are invited to send in more clippings of appropriate items from elsewhere. (Include date and source, please.)

Boston Licensing Board Charman Mary Driscoll questioning holders of club liquor licenses anent call girls and homos.

According to a chi-chi headlined item,
